A new dimension

I have considered this for a very long time now, because when I’ve been living abroad, in Lebanon, in Egypt and in the USA, I have always been blogging news back home about all the exciting things that I do and care about in the country I am in.  Actually, my family and friends have better insights in all the things I’ve done living abroad than when I’m back in my home town. Living abroad has giving me awesome experiences, and I’ve met so many beautiful, wonderful, precious people, whom I truly miss and think about.

Usually, contact is maintained through Facebook, where the common question always is..so how is life? What are you up to? Well, you know, sometimes this question is so hard to answer, cause what information are you going to prioritize? This often, unfortunately, leave all the good small things out of  what is happening in the every day life. Such as, touristing in your own city, a good political debate, things happening in the Norwegian news,  or an awesome concert you want to tell everyone about.

I am now in a time of my life where anything can happen. I am about to finish my master thesis (in June 2013), and it is really terrifying knowing that now I am actually going out in the real world. Where will I end up? What will I work with? There are great things happening every day, and I want you to take part in those small (and off course big) things. 

About Trude

Jeg skal jobbe som intern på FNs hovedkontor i New York, Inter-Agency Standing Committee sekretariatet. På denne bloggen vil dere kunne følge meg først i mine forberedelser, mitt arbeid, mine opplevelser og tanker rundt det å bo i det som skal være en av verdens mest spennende by.
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2 Responses to A new dimension

  1. Dwarika says:

    Hei på deg, excellent job 🙂

  2. Trude says:

    Hei Dwarika:) så hyggelig at du følger med:) Hvordan går det med deg? kanskje du også burde lage blogg? 🙂

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